Wednesday, August 26, 2009

WorldSkills - New Zealand

In the next two weeks a number of young New Zealanders are going to be competing at Calgary in an effort to be recognised as the best in the world at their work skills. There are youth from many different trades competing in their individual areas. Last international competition New Zealanders did the best they have ever done. If you would like to send a message of support the address is . If you would like to receive daily “official” video clips you can register at  .

WorldSkills New Zealand's mission is to challenge New Zealand to achieve world-class standards by demonstrating excellence through workplace skills competitions for young people.

This has been sent to you recognising that you have an interest in challenging young people to do well and then better. Have a great day.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Book of Daily Thoughts and Prayers

August Sixteenth
God has given us life that we may express joyousness of heart.

My soul is happy with an inexpressible joy since I saw His smiling face turned toward me. I can never forget that radiant smile; wherever I go it haunts me by day and it haunts me by night. When in grim despair of life, it brightens my path with hope and love.

No man can attain his goal without practising the higher principals of life. No man can be truly happy who is selfish. What possible use is outer light if there is darkness inside? Happiness is a quality of the soul. It enters the soul which has tasted God-consciousness. God is ever cheerful. Life is given us to work out our freedom and lasting happiness.

O Thou Giver of all joy, may I not be unworthy of Thy gifts,
But may I radiate happiness and cheer in every hour of my daily life.
Help me to realize that when I am sad, it is because I am separated from Thee. All my sadness and sorrow will vanish when I seek Thee with open heart.

Book of Daily Thoughts and Prayers
Swami Paramananda
Page 255

Job of my Dreams

Through the Grace of God, the power of Ekadashi and the practice of The Secret, I have been successful in getting the teaching job of my dreams. On Saturday 25th July, I had an interview at a state-of-the-art school, Mission Heights Primary situated at 103 Jeffs Road, Flatbush, Auckland.

This is the link to the TV 1 footage on Close Up which went on air on August 6th.

My resignation date is September 11th but I am still waiting for a teacher to be appointed for my position at Kelvin Road School.

A big THANK YOU to all who had faith in me getting this job, those who prayed for me and those who provided written, verbal or video recommendations. There are too many people to name but God bless you all.

Good things happen to those who pray.

Faith always,
