Saturday, November 3, 2007

Praying for Jai Balbharan

I am sad to inform you that my Afrikaans teacher from Risecliff Secondary, Jai Balbharan, who taught there from 1981 - 1997, is in Auckland Hospital, taking his last few breaths. Jai had an haermorrage on 25th Oct 2007, just 3 days before his 50th birthday. He has not regained consciousness since then and has been taken off oxygen support and drips on Wednesday, 31st Oct.
Last year August Kanthan had successful surgery to repair his mitral valve and three months later Jai underwent the same surgery but his valve was replaced with a metal valve. There was infection in the valve and due to complications with warfarin medication, doctors were unable to operate. I visited Jai in hospital today and it is just a matter of time before he is called to rest. Please keep Jai and his family in your prayers.

If you know of anyone from Risecliff Secondary, please invite them to join my group on Facebook.
Read more about heart valve repair/replacement.

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